Montag, 26. September 2011

Troy Anthony Davis

Troy A. Davis was a man from Georgia, USA. He was convicted for the murder of police officer Mark MacPhail. Last week, Troy A. Davis ,September 21st, 2011 was executed by lethal injection.

I´m a Keane fan and 3 years, ago, Richard D. Hughes (drummer by Keane) mentioned his case for the first time. I couldn´t believe, how a man can get to prison based only on eyewitnesses, in the USA.
No other evidence then this, was obvious enough for Georgia, USA to put him on death penalty.
I´m also against death penalty as for me this shouldn´t be existing, in our 21st century as a legal justice system.

Well, somehow I wanted to help & I´ve wrote Troy some letters & he always replied me.
Troy was a strong & peaceful man and I thought I should paint him.

Here you can see, how I started to paint him & the result.

May Troy A. Davis rest in peace.

my Sarah Kay paintings

In my childhood, I got as a present once, a book by Sarah Kay.
I think it´s one of the best child & teenager book I got and I still have it.
I love her paintings as they show, how a friendly world could be & shared sorrows are half sorrows.

Enjoy it, please!


Donnerstag, 1. September 2011

The Last Unicorn

I thought it would be nice to paint The Last Unicorn with acrylic colours.

Hope you enjoy it.